The White HouseWhile in Washington, Alexander visited the White House, which gets its name
Across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House is a small park called Lafayette Square. Several years ago, President George Bush bought a bag of crack in Lafayette Square, and displayed it on national television. In the photo above, Alex's mother reads some of the protest signs in the park. This particular display, an anti-nuclear protest, has been continually staffed, around the clock,
At the White House Visitor Center, Alexander enjoyed a photographic display of former First Ladies. Alex seemed particularly interested in Lucretia Garfield, who was suffering from malaria when she received news that her husband, President James Garfield, was shot by an assassin. After pondering this unsettling confluence of events, Alex had his diaper changed behind a giant photograph of Theodore Roosevelt and his family.
The Lincoln Memorial![]() While in Washington, Alexander made a point to go visit Mr. Lincoln. The Lincoln Memorial, across the Mall from the Washington Monument, immortalizes our sixteenth president, the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. Martin Luther King, Jr. made his unforgettable "I Have A Dream" speech on the steps of the memorial. And it was on those very same steps that Alexander and his parents enjoyed a lemon poppy muffin.