In his travels, Alex has visited Radio City Music Hall with
Drew Barrymore, left, met with
President Clinton in the White House, center,
and explored the site of the Kennedy assassination in
Dallas, right.
Alexander was born on October 18, 1996, somewhere east of the Mississippi River.
He has achieved a small measure of fame within his family, and at the workplaces
of his parents. He lives with his parents, his dog, and his cat.
Among other things, Alexander enjoys:
- Masking tape.
- Vending machines.
- Playgrounds.
- Old Maid, Candy Land, and "Not to Spill the Beans."
- Going to the lake, and pretending to fish.
- Telling people that red is his favorite color.
- Getting packages in the mail.
- Orchestrating the bizarre lives of Jim and Helen.
- The Iron Giant
- Wild Berry Pop-Tarts, frozen waffles, and "pretend pancakes" (Thomas' "Toast R Cakes")
- Going to the mall. He likes Walden Books, the Disney Store, the Warner Brothers Store, the pet store, and Learning Express.
- Spotting pictures of the Eiffel Tower.
- The Simpsons.
- The Joker, Batman, and Superman. And Commissioner Gordon.
- Playing with his train table.
- Hash browns, Chicken McNuggets, and french fries from McDonald's.
- Chicken and noodles from Boston Market. (Let's hope they don't go out of business!)
- Disney movies on videotape.
- Going to the beach with his grandparents.
- Chicken bones.
On the other hand, there are a few things that Alex does not like:
- Haircuts.
- Time outs.
- Taking a bath, especially when his hair gets wet.
- Those slimy wet earthworms that like to die on asphalt whenever it rains.